Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Astros V. Bucs Game 2 Pre-Preview

Game 2 of the 3 game series with Pittsburgh is tonight at 6:05. Mike Hampton is going to be on the bump facing Ross Ohlendorf.

Houston has got to get something going against Ohlendorf in support of Hampton. Thanks to the Spurs I wont get to see Houston's game tonight but I will be listening thanks to

For those of you in the same boat as I am, there are other ways to follow the game. Check out Zachary Levine's live blog at or Astros County. Not sure if County is blogging tonight's game but they usually do.

Here are a few links until the line ups are posted:

Richard Justice has declared war on Ed Wade.

The Unofficial Scorer Zach Levine, the same Zach Levine with the live blog tonight, looks at the Astros patience at the plate. Surprising results if you ask me.

Chip Bailey reflects on the players the Astros have traded and what Houston should have gotten for them.

Finally Gerry Faley at Fox Sports compares Houston to the Washington Nationals and decides Houston is worse off. The Nationals have a plan apparently.

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